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Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower Bold
Eiffel Tower Hearts
All artwork, worksheets, lesson plans, books, clipart and every product created by Homemade-Preschool remains the property of Homemade-Preschool.com. You are welcome to print, share and use Homemade Preschool's products, but you cannot sell any of the products from Homemade-Preschool.com. Clipart images may be added to commercial products but they cannot be added to collections, either online or in disk format. You cannot modify or change any part of any of the products from this website and the copyright must remain where it is shown on the product. Even though I do all I can to make a quality website, you download products from my website at your own risk and I am not responsible for any problems caused by a download. If you have any questions, I'd love to help. I hope you enjoy using my Homemade Preschool products! - Thank you -
Do you have an art project and need a graphic artist to help?
Let me know and I might be able to help out! This is how it works:
Cost: The artwork is FREE, if you keep my copyright listed on the bottom of the image. If you want to remove the copyright from the bottom of the image, then for a small project the cost will be $15, a medium project $25 and for larger projects I can quote a price. The best part is that I will quote you a cost before I start drawing and the price will not change. You then will only pay for the artwork if you are completely satisfied with the final product. It's a win-win!
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